Category Latest News

Happy Birthday, George!

Time to honor and wish a “happy birthday” to our first President, George Washington! Did he really have a set of false teeth made of wood? Best to check with the experts at Mount Vernon, Washington’s home, for all the interesting things to know about George!

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Welcome 2024!

Everyone at Gun Cleaners of Colorado wishes all our customers and community a wonderful new year! Thank you for your business and loyalty. We appreciate your reviews on Facebook, Google, Nextdoor, and Yelp! Your recommendations to friends and fellow firearm enthusiasts are always welcome. May your sight be straight, your aim true, your groupings tight, and, of course, your firearms clean!

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Ahhhhh Labor Day Weekend

Whatever work you do, thank you for your hard work and contributions to our community! Did you know Colorado was among the first states to celebrate workers? In 1887 Colorado, Oregon, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York passed a law recognizing Labor Day. It’s not just the unofficial end of summer…learn more here!


Hello 2023!

Everyone at Gun Cleaners of Colorado wishes our customers a wonderful 2023! Thank you for your business and loyalty. We appreciate your reviews on Facebook, Yelp, and Google! Your recommendations to friends and fellow firearm enthusiasts are always welcome. May your sight be straight, your aim true, your groupings tight, and, of course, your firearms clean!

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Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

January 9 is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD). Created in 2015, LEAD is a day to take the time to thank our officers for their service.

Read this article from the Greeley Tribune to learn more.

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Welcome 2022

Everyone at Gun Cleaners of Colorado wishes all of our customers a wonderful new year! Thank you for your business and loyalty. We appreciate your reviews on Facebook and Google! Your recommendations to friends and fellow firearm enthusiasts are always welcome. May your sight be straight, your aim true, your groupings tight, and, of course, your firearms clean!

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Remember Pearl Harbor!

This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the December 7th attack on Pearl Harbor. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Hawaii, we highly recommend a visit to the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The Pearl Harbor visitor center is quite large with a museum, outdoor displays, movie and video displays, and of course a gift shop. The site includes the Arizona Memorial (tickets to see the Arizona Memorial are free but you should reserve in advance if possible!), the Battleship Missouri Memorial, the USS Oklahoma Memorial, the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum, the USS Bowfin (submarine), and the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum.

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We’ve got GIFTS!

Shop LOCAL! Gun Cleaners of Colorado has GREAT GIFTS for the Holidays!

Gift certificates for firearm cleanings, tactical clothing (shirts, pants, boots) and accessories, laser range time, ammo, and even camo/hunter orange/dog bone stockings! Come shop where Santa shops!

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Back in 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated October as Crime Prevention Month through a Presidential proclamation. “Since then, NCPC has been working with local law enforcement, government agencies, civic groups, schools, businesses, and other organizations to help them spread the word about crime prevention and personal safety. With shrinking law enforcement budgets across the country, the role that each of us can play in preventing crime is more important than ever.” –

National POW/MIA Recognition Day

The third Friday of September is national POW/MIA Recognition Day in remembrance of the tens of thousands of veterans captured or still missing from wars that they fought in on behalf of the United States. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) works tirelessly to “provide the fullest possible accounting for our missing personnel to their families and the nation.” (

Gun Cleaners of Colorado’s own, Ella Axelrod, is an anthropologist with a specialty in Archaeology (B.A. Colorado College 2019), who has volunteered for several DPAA recovery projects.

During the summers of 2016 and 2017, Ella spent time in Europe working with a University of Wisconsin archaeological field crew under a Department of Defense contract to recover the remains of WWII American pilots. Ella’s crew excavated the remains of a 1941 P47 Thunderbolt that nosedived into a cornfield in Buysscheure, France. In the summer of 2018, the field crew excavated another P47 crash, this time in Quercamps, France. Both this excavation and the one in Buysscheure resulted in successful recoveries.

As a direct result of Ella’s fieldwork, rosettes were placed next to the names of the formerly missing pilots on the Tablets of the Missing in Ardennes Cemetery.

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As a direct result of Ella’s fieldwork, rosettes were placed next to the names of the formerly missing pilots on the Tablets of the Missing in Ardennes Cemetery.